
Legal notice

Responsible for these sites in accordance with § 6 TDG / § 6 MDStV:

Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung
und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH

Altenhof 13
D - 57074 Siegen

Telefone:+49 271 / 20 84 2
Telefax: +49 271 / 23 90 008

Michael Krausser

Place of venue:
HRB:  8471
Tax number:  342/5811/4002
VAT ID no  DE 257 987 511


Image verification

Header: customer support phone operator in headset, against grey © vgstudio -

Notes on copyright and liability

All the data on this site is intended for information purposes only. The information in documents accessible to the public, including pertaining data such as pictures, graphics and programming codes, is protected by copyright. The respective authors are responsible for the content of the sites. For documents offered in an electronic form via data networks, copyright law (UrhG) shall be applicable without any restrictions: In particular, reproductions, e.g. copies and print-outs, may only be made for private and further personal use (paragraph 53 UrhG). The production and distribution of reproductions require the agreement of the author. Any user is responsible for complying with these regulations and can be held vicariously liable in the event of misuse.

All the contents of this internet website are made available without guaranteeing the correctness, completeness or current validity of the information included. In no case is liability undertaken for damages resulting from the use of any information taken from the website. The respective operators are responsible for the contents of linked websites. The reproduction of trade marks, trade names and use names etc. on this Internet site shall not confer entitlement to assume that such names are deemed to be free in the meaning of trade mark and brand protection legislation nor are they deemed to be free for use by anyone, even if this is not specifically indicated. and all actions, approval and restraint in connection with this website are subject exclusively to German law.

Links to other Internet sites

The sites of Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH provides links to other internet providers.

Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH is only responsible for its own content according to § 5 section 1 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag and § 5 Teledienstegesetz, which it provides for use, in accordance with the applicable laws.

Cross references (links) to content made available by other providers are to be differentiated from this proprietary content. Here, Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH makes "third-party content" available for use by means of links marked as such (external links). Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH is responsible for external content only if it has positive knowledge of it (this includes illegal or criminal content) and has the technical ability to prevent the use of such contents. (§ 5 section 2 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag).

Links, however, are always references to "living" (dynamic) internet sites. Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH checked the external content of the link the first time it was made to see whether it would cause them any possible civil law or criminal law responsibility but is not required to continuously monitor these contents for changes which might revoke such compliance. If Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH ascertain or have been advised that the content of a specific website to which they have made a link available involves an infringement of civil or criminal legislation, they will remove the reference to this site. The technical capabilities and feasibility are not affected by the fact that even after Krausser Werkzeugmaschinenvertrieb Überholung und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen GmbH has eliminated access from its home page, the illegal or criminal content may still be accessed from other servers.